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Competing claims about scarce resources set challenges to law around the world and often demand a fairer approach than neoliberal law suggests. The Legal Empowerment Academy trains skills and develops methodologies to build legal capacity bottom up to develop as just as possible solutions.    

In the near future, webinars will be organised on the e-learning platform in which members will share knowlegde and experience. Aside, the academy will offer a course on reasoning skills.   

Skills training focuses on interpretation methods, increasing the capacity of constructive legal reasoning and setting precedent through the construction of an 'as just as possible' solution in an individual case.  

The skills training includes:

  • Legal interpretation methods, such as historical, systematical, teleological and comparative interpretation methods: 
  • Reflection on the temporal element in these methods. Skills training has a comparative and reflective approach. Depending on the local legal culture methods can be adapted and added.
  • Developing topological charts to gather, structure and weigh relevant information in dispute resolution and develop an 'as just as possible' solution.   
  • Dispute resolution process design.