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The Legal Empowerment Academy is a social enterprise. It is initiated by Jobien Monster on basis of the premise that the emancipatory potential of global law depends on the reasoning skills that are employed in local legal analysis and decision-making. Her focus is on legal skills and methodology and questions about the distribution of scarce rights. She is about to complete her Phd thesis: "Law and dispute resolution: truning tables in developing legal orders"  at Tilburg Law School, The Netherlands. She also works as a freelance lawyer in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in the field of rights protection against the government. Most of her cases in Amsterdam are about the fair distribution of scarce exploitation rights. She co-authored various articles on microjustice and law as a social learning practice. (Gramatikov, M. and Monster.J. (2010) Tisco Working Paper Series on Civil Law and Conflict Resolution Systems, Oxfam Novib/Tisco Microjustice Action Research Haguruka Rwanda;Monster, J., Porter, R. B., & Barendrecht, J.M. (2011) Dispute Resolution Practices of Legal Aid Organisations in Developing Countries, Tisco Working Paper.  Monster, J. (2012) “A learning network approach to the delivery of justice”, Knowledge Management for Development Journal Volume 8Issue 2-2012) 

The Advisory Board contributes to the work of the work of the academy by giving advice and endorsing the network to enhance learning opportunities for members.  Members of the advisory board of the Academy are Paul Schiff Berman, Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga, Maria IJzermans and there is one vacancy. 

Paul Schiff Berman, Walter S. Cox Professor of Law, is one of the world's foremost theorists on the effect of globalization on the interactions among legal systems. He is the author of over fifty scholarly works, including Global Legal Pluralism: A Jurisprudence of Law Beyond Borders, published by Cambridge University Press in 2012. He was also among the first legal scholars to focus on legal issues regarding online activity, and he is co-author of one of the leading casebooks in the field.

Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga is a Legal Adviser in International Development Law at the Commonwealth Secretariat. Elizabeth has an excellent understanding of the shortcomings of neoliberal global law to provide answers to sustainbility challenges. She is author of several articles about law and development and the challenge to emancipate law from within. See for example: Bakibinga-Gaswaga, Elizabeth. (2018). Implementing Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development in Africa: Is It Time to Shift the Paradigm on Law and Development?. European Journal of Law Reform. 20. 20-39. 10.5553/EJLR/138723702018020001004 

Maria IJzermans (PhD Tilburg Law School) is an eminent legal scholar and has taught legal reasoning and rhetoric for lawyers for many years. She has designed several course outlines on reasoning skills and constructivist legal analysis. She has authored several articles in this topic.